The rig operator was stumped. He’d been making good progress, but now something obstructed the way forward. The operator, Denny Mong, stared at an unassuming metal tube in the ground — the fossil of an oil well. Spread virtually it was an variety of industrial detritus and steel tools like giant surgical implements, which sunk into the spongy Western Pennsylvania meadow.
Above the hole, Mong’s rig, which towered 50 feet into the air, suspended a vertical ramrod. When it dropped, the ramrod only shot 17 feet into the ground surpassing slamming to a stop. Earlier, Mong had managed to reach increasingly than 500 feet deeper into the well. Then this obstruction, whatever it was, sent him when to the start.
Clearing it — prime suspects included metal casing, rocks, or a tree workshop — would indulge him to send glue and pea gravel into the hole, which reached hundreds of feet into Appalachian waddle formations. Once an zippy oil well, now it was an environmental nuisance and the target of an would-be federal wind-up program.
After opening an old well cap, Plants & Goodwin worker Denny Mong finds a slurry of gas that has migrated to the surface. Video courtesy of Denny Mong
The well needed to be decommissioned, withal with at least 21 increasingly spread wideness woodlands and fields in McKean County, Pennsylvania. The job fell to Mong and other employees of an oil service outfit tabbed Plants & Goodwin, which specializes in plugging so-called orphan wells. Oil and gas companies are supposed to plug and wipe up wells that they’ve drilled, but if they go unclothe or otherwise disappear, that responsibility falls to the state, which then contracts with companies like Plants & Goodwin. If left festering, these wells can leak contaminants into surrounding groundwater or release methane, a greenhouse gas at least 25 times increasingly powerful than stat dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Uncorking a well in this part of Appalachia reveals a tousle of oil and gas that has a nauseous maté verisimilitude and gurgles like witch’s brew. After generations of drilling, the remnants of both vernacular yard digs and professional oil operations pockmark the land. Since drillers operated for increasingly than a century with little regulatory oversight, documentation of well locations is scarce and wind-up quality is inconsistent.
“Until the 1970s there were no strong plugging standards in place,” said Luke Plants, who heads Plants & Goodwin. “People just shoving tree stumps lanugo a well to plug it, or a tint iron wittiness or something like that.”
The word-for-word number of orphan wells nationwide is unknown. In late 2021, The Interstate Oil and Gas Commission, a multi-state organization, had increasingly than 130,000 orphan wells on record but unscientific that anywhere between 310,000 and 800,000. That year the federal government took notice, folding $4.7 billion into the to help states handle their orphan well inventories. The first batch of that money has trickled lanugo to states and has been distributed to contractors like Plants & Goodwin. It’s hands the most funding overly spent to write the problem, but both states and pluggers are now facing hurdles as they uncork to identify and plug wells.
The state oil and gas regulators responsible for issuing well-plugging contracts are typically understaffed. As a result, the pace of contract work in some states has been inconsistent, making it difficult for plugging companies to staff up and plan ahead. Well pluggers are moreover few and far between. Since oil operators the service has remained a niche industry. Plugging companies have moreover struggled to find trained workers, not to mention the specialized equipment required to plug wells. Withal the way, some states have handed out millions of dollars in contracts to a subsidiary of an oil visitor with hundreds of compliance violations.
All the while, the oil and gas industry continues to spawn new orphan wells — magnitudes increasingly than the number stuff plugged. Between 2015 and 2022,filed for bankruptcy, leaving thousands of wells unplugged. Market downturns well-expressed oil prices during the mid-2010s pushed many operations to insolvency. And plane in times of industry booms, wells near the end of their production lifespans often end up in the hands of small oil patch operators with tight margins. Further, state laws requiring companies to in specimen of bankruptcy are meager. This combination of weak rules and bankruptcies has caused orphan well inventories to balloon. For example, Pennsylvania’s list ofgrows by well-nigh 400 each year; the state has plugged just 73 wells with the federal money that began to victorious last year.
In the muddy pasture in northwest Pennsylvania, Mong was trying to unclog his way to the well’s bottom. Using a rig zipper tabbed a cherry picker — imagine a four-foot steel clothespin — he worked to spear unknown detritus from the depths. Next to the slum lay 30-foot-long clay-frosted tubes of steel casing once hauled out. After reducing the borehole to a hollow dirt cavern, the pluggers will pour glue until it nearly fills to the surface and top the rest of the way with gravel, insulated by steel casing to protect groundwater. They will then decapitate the casing to a few feet unelevated ground and imbricate it with dirt.
For the pluggers, the work is a bespoke combination: a little science and a lot of art. Sharp intuition, engineering know-how, grit, and luck imbue each effort. One capping can take anywhere from three days to three months, sometimes costing increasingly than $100,000.

Clifton Lunn is part of the team that, withal with Denny Mong, must muscle through the orphaned well blockage. Will Peischel / Grist
A lot needs to happen to orphan wells surpassing they’re plugged — at least on paper. The state has to identify them, the threat they pose, the financing to plug them, and search for any elusive owner to pin the financing on. And while that’s a process states have handled for many years, most state plugging programs have relatively small budgets and staff compared to the well inventories. Now, federal funding is compelling those programs to exponentially increase the number of well-capping contracts, an untellable task without worthier staffs and nimbler processes.
In a normal year, the California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM), which regulates oil and gas production in the state, might contract plugging for 30 wells. Equal to former CalGEM employees, decommissioning plane that number of wells had the organ running on all cylinders.
“Available staffing for oversight was definitely a major limiting factor,” said Dan Dudak, who was the Southern District Deputy of CalGEM from 2011 to 2020, and now acts as a consultant on well-plugging projects. In just the last five years, the department “lost a lot of their institutional knowledge” in leadership, he said. Nonetheless, CalGEM revealed an $80 million project last July to cap 378 wells with funding from state and federal money withal with industry fees.
Other states moreover have transmissible up to do. observed that its Department of Natural Resources struggles to meet orphan well program spending targets, in part due to staffing shortages. “[T]he Division can only increase efforts secure to well plugging preparation work as fast as it can recruit, train, and rent permanent employees,” the inspect claimed, recommending that the organ double its staff to post plugging contracts in a increasingly timely malleate and consider outsourcing the task of drafting contracts.
Pennsylvania has 70 well inspectors and a tally of virtually 20,000 orphan wells. Equal to Neil Shader, spokesperson for the state Department of Environmental Protection, or DEP, the organ is considering hiring increasingly inspectors to increase its oversight. Earlier this year, the state legislature tried a $5.75 million upkeep increase for DEP, some of which may uplift its well plugging contract capacity.
Still, the pace of contract megacosm in Pennsylvania has put pluggers in a precarious place. Plants said that when Pennsylvania received $25 million in its first batch of federal funding, he staffed up. A torrent of contracts were awarded but then stopped — leading from repast to famine. A six-month gap meant furloughs and mothballing equipment. “It financing contractors a tremendous value of money to do all that,” he said. “You end up creating an incentive to not scale at all, just stay small.”

Plants & Goodwin, which is headquartered in Bradford, Pennsylvania, has operated as an oil service visitor since 1970, but it pivoted to specialize in well-plugging operations in 2015. Will Peischel / Grist
To expedite aspects of the contract-drafting process, DEP has signaled that it may outsource some of that work. Meanwhile, Ohio is putting some of its federal money into an expedited process tabbed the Landowner Passover Program, where tried landowners who find orphan wells on their land may act as a surrogate for the state, awarding a contract to a plugger that Ohio will pay for.
Ohio has 44 contractors on its rolls and utilizes a pre-approval process for its pluggers to maintain quality control. Pennsylvania’s DEP is considering raising its own vetting process, equal to Shader, the organ spokesperson. Without it, there is no inside parapet to separate under-qualified contractors from federally funded plugging. “There are not unbearable specified rules in place,” said Plants. “And plane the rules that are there don’t get followed so well all the time.”
Not much stands in the way of a corner-cutting contractor. In remote pockets of Appalachia, improperly dumping chemical fluids from a site or shoddy plug job could go unnoticed. “I think it’s plane less likely to get checked now,” Plants said. “Because nobody wants to limit the pool of potential well pluggers. We need to get increasingly pluggers involved — whether that plugging is stuff washed-up correctly or not.”
Last year, Pennsylvania Deputy Secretary Kurt Klapkowski of the DEP’s Office of Oil and Gas Management addressed that uneasiness by that parties with significant outstanding violations, such as contractors with a poor service record or operators with environmental infractions, wouldn’t receive state contracts. “I finger pretty confident that we would not be issuing contracts to operators that had significant outstanding violations — either on the contracting side of things or on the environmental protection side,” he said.
For a plugger, non-compliance could midpoint illegal dumping or improperly sealing a well; for an operator, it might midpoint withdrawing a well without plugging it. But such policies can be difficult to implement when oil and gas companies sometimes operate through a bevy of subsidiaries in multiple states.
In December of last year, the Pennsylvania DEP awarded Next LVL Energy to plug 30 wells in the state. The visitor is a of Diversified Energy, an energy giant that has conglomerate, stoking fears that the visitor is likely to orphan them. Equal to versus Diversified in West Virginia, virtually 10 percent of its 23,309 wells in the state are technically x-rated but unplugged. Just this year Pennsylvania inspectors slapped the operator or unresolved operational violations. (The state DEP didn’t respond to a request for scuttlebutt on Next LVL’s contracts.)
Ohio has moreover given half of its first installment of federal money, $12.5 million, to of as many as 320 wells. To the southeast, West Virginia has given the visitor a similar sum to plug 100 wells. Spokespeople for both state environmental agencies secure their decisions, noting that they followed state and federal guidelines while selecting pluggers. “We will alimony a tropical eye on implementation,” said Andy Chow, a spokesperson for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. “Should any violations in this contract be discovered or otherwise come to our sustentation we will review those actions.”
In West Virginia, Next LVL isn’t plugging any wells associated with Diversified, equal to Terry Fletcher, senior communications officer with the state’s Department of Environmental Protection. “At the time the contracts were awarded, Next LVL had no outstanding environmental violations in the state,” he added.
Finding qualified workers for the oil field is no easy feat, either. The last decade has seen drops in oil prices that rendered many fossil fuel companies insolvent, withal with a shift to shale exploration, which requires fewer workers. As a result, job openings have dwindled and many qualified workers have left Appalachia.
Plugging wells moreover requires skilled labor. Thus, the limited number of qualified workers is in upper demand. That’s good for wages, but without a large workforce to fill positions as states push out contracts with increasing frequency, flipside problem arises: “You just get this stovepipe race for the same small pool of workers,” said Plants. “That’s not unquestionably helpful for scaling or expanding the supply side of this business.”

Troy Hadfield (left) uses a forklift to convert the zone of a finished orphan well project from a muddy worksite to a walking trail. Will Peischel / Grist
Plants has brought in experienced pluggers from Texas oil fields to help train up a new generation of skilled Pennsylvania hands. “We want to develop a local workforce that understands this work,” he said. But “you can’t just put whole crews of inexperienced people out there.”
There’s a lot of on-the-job training, but that uneaten work advances his vision. Some of his most recent hires came from zone upper schools and technical schools, where he has made a pitch: “We want to requite you a long-term career.”
Bronson Knapp, who owns Hagen Well Services in Ohio, has faced similar challenges. “The good old sublet boy is nonflexible to find,” he said. A worker shortage is one of the reasons Ohio is overdue on well pluggings. The state has awarded new contracts plane as work from previous contracts hasn’t been completed. “We awarded 380 wells this year, but our contractors are still 400 wells overdue us,” said Jason Simmerman, the orphan well program engineer with the state’s Department of Natural Resources.
Rigs used to plug wells can be nonflexible to come by, too. Drilling technology may advance, but orphan well-plugging is frozen in time. The tech required is often vintage, which ways pluggers are on the prowl for a shrinking number of rigs that may be older than the wells they plug. It’s not unusual for a plugger in New York to squint as far as Texas for a used rig. Mong’s rig was from the 1950s. Flipside rig at a nearby work site was manufactured in 1981 and welded to the bed of a Vietnam War-era military truck.

Cory Copp stands overdue the team’s 1981 well plugging rig, tying to the when of a Vietnam War-era truck. Will Peischel / Grist
On the whole, a few recent upper school graduates on Plants’ payroll might not seem like bellwethers of a next-generation workforce. But some experts watching the federal orphan well program contend that a well-plugging wave could revive regions whose economic fates are tied to dwindling resource extraction sectors. “The most positive thing that could happen is that we uncork to get increasingly companies plugging wells, expressly in rural, distressed areas to help their local economies,” said Ted Boettner, a senior researcher at the Ohio River Valley Institute, a think tank focused on economic and environmental sustainability in Appalachia.
“Oil and gas industries have lost thousands of jobs over the last decade,” he told Grist. “This is helping people who lose their jobs” and providing “a way for people to transition into cleaning up this mess of the last 150 years.”
The federal program includes requirements and guidance to help ensure that the work on the ground benefits workers. In order to qualify for funding, states must ensure that plugging contracts meet standards outlined by the Davis-Bacon Act, a federal law that guarantees government-funded labor matches stereotype pay rates for similar work in a region, known as the prevailing wage.
Failure to follow the federal government’s requirement risks its scrutiny. For example, last year the GOP-led Pennsylvania legislature passed a law dictating how much a contractor might receive to plug a well as part of Pennsylvania’s orphan well program. The amounts allocated were a fraction of typical costs, likely leaving contractors unable to pay their workers the prevailing wage. With federal money tied up in the program, the Department of Interior filed a brisk response warning that the law could threaten Pennsylvania’s worthiness to comply with program standards and that the state could be cut off from federal funding.
In Ohio, Davis-Bacon requirements towards to have an effect on well-capping work not funded by the federal program. Though the Buckeye State doesn’t have any wage requirement for unstipulated well-plugging work, cappers who have taken contracts towards to be paying higher wages — whether or not the job is federally funded. “Because nobody wants to make one wage one day and flipside the next day, our contractors that are working on our federal program are taking that perspective and paying those wages wideness the workbench now,” said Simmerman, Ohio’s orphan well program engineer.

After tubing and other detritus are pulled from orphan wells, workers well-to-do out lingering oil and gas with water pulled from giant containers like this one. Will Peischel / Grist
Out west, California is working to nurture a workforce at a much larger scale. Last year, the state legislature passed a law directing the California Workforce Development Board, or CWDB, to launch tutoring programs to train new classes of well pluggers. It could wilt a model for skilled labor creation. Its first pilot program is using the expertise of a Kern County well-capping company, California Legacy Well Services, which is creating a plugging curriculum to fold into existing training provided by Local 12, the International Union of Operating Engineers. As a result, union-affiliated labor will represent part of the well-plugging workforce.
The thinking is two-pronged: wangle to quality jobs and layoff mitigation. That ways offering good work to skilled laborers vulnerable to the energy transition. “So rather than just worry well-nigh the loss of jobs, it’s an opportunity to think well-nigh the new jobs for trades workers,” said Tim Rainey, executive director of CWDB. The program is in the early stages, but it offers a glimmer of what an constructive orphan well program could yield.
Organized labor in California’s oil fields is of two types: industrial unions and trades unions. Members of industrial unions cultivate skills on a worksite, while trades unions learn the ropes through training apprenticeships like the ones CWDB is developing.
A quirk in California law may lock out the industrial unions. The law requires “a skilled and trained workforce” for capping jobs, an innocuous-sounding phrase that refers to highly technical requirements in the state labor lawmaking that disqualify oil workers from industrial unions such as the United Steelworkers, or USW.
Norman Rogers, a spokesperson and member of USW Local 675 in Southern California, tabbed the legislative sleight of hand “a tenancy job.” Trades unions “have a larger workforce and are worldly-wise to influence the political landscape,” he said. “They can have all sorts of people go to lobby.”
By expanding the language to typify eligible workers as “skilled and trained or covered by a labor management agreement,” the law could tap into tens of thousands of union workers represented by USW, Rogers said.
The question of who dominates the untried jobs of tomorrow remains an unshut one. Despite the many bottlenecks, the orphan well program could be an lulu postlude to the fossil fuel era if it benefits workers.
“We drilled the first oil well in America,” said James Kunz, an zookeeper at the Pennsylvania Foundation for Fair Contracting, who has worked to ensure favorable wages in state capping contracts. “We have the scars of that and a real opportunity.”